Monday, September 29, 2014

A disturbing change in the beaches of Southern California...

Also, this disturbing factoid regarding a change in the ocean currents no seems to be

reporting on.

Every year, in November, in California, the ocean currents take away the sand from the

beaches. Every year. In April, every year, they redeposit it back on the beaches from where

it is dumped on the continental shelf.

The last two years, this has changed dramatically.

This year, the sand DID NOT come back in April, it came back the last week of August and

now, the last week of September, the sand is being removed again.

In the 30 years of my being a beach guy on these many shores, breaks and beaches of SoCal,

I and everyone else has never seen this. You used to be able to set your watch by this


What causes the sand shifts, is the shift in ocean currents from the North in the winter

months to the South in the summer months.

Now it's random, unpredictable, and each year since 2011, it's endless weirdness.

But the government knows it, cause they are dumping massive amounts of rocks and sands all

over the beaches of Ventura and LA county. That we've personally seen and documented.

But try and find one article or anything about it anywhere. Stranger still, the surf web

sites are dead silent on the quite obvious and amazing new paradigm shift.

That earthquake on3-11-11 did something HUGE to the ocean no one is being told about,

though the effects are very visible.


Just remember this about all that climate change Angenda 21 programming being laid on us.

Mt Saint Helens blew more CO2 into the atmosphere than the entire output of all of earth

since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Here you can see the sand being removed by the tides and currents. This picture was taken on 9-28-14 by myself.
Sand erosion - the sand used to be out about 50 feet from where the man is standing and that was only a WEEK AGO. Last week!

Sand erosion, two months early and after being on the beach only 30 days instead of the usual SIX MONTHS.

Waning summer days...friends, bros and funa

Arrival of bros and boards

From one end to the other, and all points in between

Awesome! Let's go again!

New friends, surfers from Malibu

Must have water...NOW!

Surf boards to boogie boards, we'll drive anything that floats

The Machine

Muey bueno

Let's go chill, dudes

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Surfing...California Style...after the waves

Standing next to someone nearly 6.6ft sucks massive, so we hobbled him and sold him for medical experiments! Got a buck and half, not bad....

Matt and Nathan after the surfing

Watching the ocean take away the sand TWO MONTHS early. Fukushima changed everything

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Radiation Readings: Ventura, Calif. Faria Beach

Inspector Plus Geiger Counter

Sand: 80 CPM
Air: 42 CPM
Rocks: 113 CPM

Averages over ten minutes

catch a wave and you're standing on top of the world

CoPopes assemble

U want Sun

Saturday, September 13, 2014